Thursday, September 2, 2010

And Another Totally Desperate Mom Story!

This Totally Desperate Mom moment was submitted by Tiffany van Gorder. Yeesh . . .

Spent an afternoon at the pool by myself with my two daughters (5 and 2) while my husband enjoyed a day at the golf range. I even took them to get an ice cream cone afterwards. Came home relaxed and ready to do a load of laundry. Walked down the hall to put away some clothes only to come across a pretty bad smell. Not sure what it was until I entered my youngest daughter's bedroom and found my two dogs had gotten into her diaper genie. Needless to say, the room was a mess and I had to go into instant clean up mode - screaming but trying to keep the profanities out of my vocabulary. Five minutes later, my husband gets home after having a pretty good day, thinking he would return to three happy girls. Not exactly the case! The house didn't return to normal until the carpet cleaners arrived two days later and I awaited my next Totally Desperate Mom Moment.

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