Monday, August 30, 2010

Another Totally Desperate Mom Story

This TDM moment was submitted by Sherry Wolfe. Can't you relate?! . . . 

OK, it was the day before our vacation, and I had to run about 10 errands, with both kids, and the weather was 100 degrees!!!!  We got to my daughter's speech evaluation and they had our appointment written down for the wrong time.  I begged and pleaded for them to still see us because I had moved heaven and earth to be there and we were leaving the next day for 2 weeks.  So they moved things around and the nicest lady did the evaluation for us.

Then, we went to my doctor's office to pick up some copies of medical records.  On the way back out to the car, I noticed my daughter had a stinky diaper.  (Side note:  She is 2 1/2 and has chronic diarrhea ..... like, the worst diarrhea I have ever seen come out of anyone!)  Sure enough, this stinky diaper was bad.  It was soaked through her clothes and running down her legs.  I always keep a change of clothes for her in our van, specifically for this reason.  Keep in mind, it's 100 degrees out, and I'm already frazzled from all the errand-running with a 2 and a 3 year old!  So I stripped her in the back of the van and wipe her down the best I can with baby wipes.  I completely changed her and we finally kept going on our errands.

We still had several errands to run and I was so desperate .... Calgon, take me away!!!!!

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